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Tips for Motivating Employees

Employee motivation is critical in terms of performance and productivity, however, research shows only 15% of employees feel engaged in the workplace – this needs to change.

Here are some tips on how to do just so:

  1. Offer incentives – whether monetary or not, however, incentives make employees feel appreciated and satisfied. Incentives also act as a means of boosting creativity and productivity.
  2. Set small, quantifiable goals – to avoid feeling bogged down by a big project, try to set clear and concise goals; these demonstrate visible progress, which can be celebrated.
  3. Be transparent – transparency is crucial in the workplace as it instills trust. A team that can trust and lean on one another is more motivated to work together to get the job done.
  4. Promote mindfulness – might sound cheesy, but taking time out the day as an office to slow down and breathe deeply can actually promote productivity and re-energize the team.
  5. Provide career advancement opportunities – whilst incentives do work, they can be short-lived, therefore, offering advancements that could enable them to move up the corporate ladder could be advantageous. These could include programs dedicated to improving CVs, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, interview skills, etc.

Employees are human – they need motivation just like everyone else!