Modern Slavery Statement


At Cameron Kennedy we believe in the importance of equality in the workplace. We are committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within our business and the supply chain.

It is our belief that all businesses share a crucial responsibility in preventing slavery and human trafficking and we take our responsibilities in that regard very seriously. This statement summarises the steps that Cameron Kennedy takes to ensure that our activities are free from slavery and human trafficking.

Our Policies and Contracts

We have a zero-tolerance approach to any imposition of, or connection to, modern slavery and human trafficking. Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in respect of all our staff and business relationships. It encourages all our employees to voice any concerns relating to the activities of our own organisation or our supply chain. We also have a number of policies prohibiting harassment, discrimination and victimisation which provide our employees access to further channels for raising concerns. Our contracts of employment and contracts for our temporary workers comply with relevant EU and UK law and ensure that individuals are entitled to at least the legal minimum (including rights in relation to hours, pay and termination of the contract).

We have appropriate policies and processes for conducting background checks on candidates (including their eligibility to work).

As part of our own business we supply temporary personnel to a number of clients. In this respect we have established and audited procedures to ensure that those employees:-

  • have a right to work in the UK. This involves asking the individual direct to view their passport. A delay in providing the passport might indicate a modern slavery issue;
  • where we provide payroll services as required by our own clients, we check that such temporary personnel have a bank account in their own name into which their remuneration is paid; and
  • where we are responsible for such temporary personnel whilst they are employed on our client’s premises, they are free to leave their assignment on reasonable notice.

In addition, our employees, through the Employee Code of Conduct, are made aware of Cameron Kennedy’s requirement for employees to support and uphold human rights principles and know that Cameron Kennedy will not tolerate, engage in or support the use of, forced labour. We are continuing to raise awareness with our key teams provided through training to ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and so they are aware of what to look out for in respect of modern slavery.

Our suppliers (including other recruitment agencies that we may use from time to time) are reputable and must pass our credit checks. We expect our suppliers to have the same standards in terms of ethics and legal compliance – including their own policies on modern slavery and anti-human trafficking. We will include appropriate terms in our agreements which place an obligation on suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. If we were to find evidence that one of our suppliers has failed to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 then we would require the relevant supplier to remedy such non-compliance and we would consider terminating our relationship should we see no improvement in the way their business is conducted.

Our approach is designed to:

  • identify and assess potential risk areas in our UK supply chain;
  • mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in the supply chain;
  • monitor potential risk areas in the supply chain;
  • provide adequate protection to ​whistle blowers.

This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and shall be reviewed annually.